Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Top 10 Reasons to Get on the SUP Train!

I live in the San Diego, CA area-one of the SUP meccas of the world. Living in this area gives me access to many paddle groups, and professional SUP coaches.  Do you have a group in your area? Who or what motivates you to paddle?  I joined a SUP training group in January 2015. I believe that being a part of a paddle group is key to your success & fun as a paddler. Before joining up with Performance Paddling in Dana Pt., CA.,  I would go out on my own & paddle. Sometimes I did intervals, and buoy turns. But mostly I just paddled. 

EJ Johnson leading the draft. Photo S. Adams

Here is TOP 10 Reasons you should join a SUP training group or start one yourself:
  1. More fun racing around buoys with 5 or more people. How often do you go to a race & you’re the only one going around a buoy because you are so far ahead of the competition? NEVER!
  2. Group training provides you someone to chase & makes you work harder! Maybe you started the session tired, but Susie is really paddling strong tonight. I think I’ll try and catch her. BAM!
  3. Practice drafting! Okay so I can’t draft a guy when I’m in a SUP race, but I can when I train with a group.
  4. Encouragement from your coaches & teammates.
  5. Demo other boards, paddles, & check out each others gadgets-speed coaches, & watches.
  6. Get faster and stronger.
  7. Fashion-yes what are the other girls wearing! Shallow as it is we like to look good on our boards! 
  8. Hang out with other SUP addicts.
  9. Group training forces you to paddle in conditions you wouldn’t normally paddle in if you were paddling by yourself. 
  10. Meeting up at SUP races, racing with & against each other! Especially fun when you & your teammates are standing next to each other on the podium!

BONUS: Laughter, health, motivation, friendships, & safety.   
Performance Paddling. Dana Pt, CA Photo V.Wold

Performance Paddling. Dana Pt., CA Photo M. Adams

Hanohano Race Mission Bay, CA Photo S. Adams

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